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Bringing Americans Home

'Sympathy is a trap, but empathy is a powerful force.'

Grayson Logue, deputy editor of The Morning Dispatch,is joined by Mickey Bergman—CEO of Global Reach and author of In the Shadows: True Stories of High-Stakes Negotiations to Free Americans Captured Abroad—to discuss his unique process of bringing captured Americans home.

The Agenda:
Bergman’s experience in the IDF
Drafting a ceasefire proposal with Lebanon
The story of Danny Fenster
Jim Foley and U.S. policy toward freeing Americas
Returning Taylor Dudley

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Grayson Logue is the deputy editor of The Morning Dispatch and is based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Prior to joining the company in 2023, he worked in political risk consulting, helping advise Fortune 50 companies. He was also an assistant editor at Providence Magazine and is a graduate student at the University of Edinburgh, pursuing a Master’s degree in history. When Grayson is not helping write The Morning Dispatch, he is probably working hard to reduce the number of balls he loses on the golf course.

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